I started writing this article about the Gaspee Day Parade, a local tradition; the beautiful and beautiful smelling wild roses; our garden; and a Memorial Day visit after I returned from watching the parade for about fifteen minutes on June 8, 2024.
The Gaspee Day Parade
Today was the Gaspee Day Parade, I returned from watching it for about fifteen minutes a little while ago. And it is still going on. Gaspee Days is a week-long celebration of the burning of the HMS Gaspee, a British ship, in 1772. It took place at what is now known as the Gaspee Point, not too far from where we live. To celebrate the landmark event, the Gaspee Days Committee organizes road races, art markets, displays, shows, and a parade that starts at the end of our street.
Days before the parade, many people put their chairs on both sides of the road for a good viewing point. The parade starts just a little before the end of our street and they walk about two miles to Pawtuxet Village. One of the major attractions is the Pawtuxet Rangers who enact the rangers of the old times. They have an encampment in Pawtuxet Park and the highlight event occurs on Sunday: The burning of the Gaspee. A small replica of the historic ship is set on fire as they did to the original.
There are other scheduled events listed on the Gaspee Days site. Below are some photographs I captured of the parade representing various groups who want to keep some memories alive like the Vietnam Veterans, the Girl Scouts, and many others. We walked down to see the parade after it started and by the time we arrived, many of the highlights had already walked by. But the photographs should give you a sense of the event that lasts from 10 AM till 1 PM.

Stop and Smell The Wild Roses
Many wild growth spots around Rhode Island seem to have these wild roses. There are a couple of wilderness spots near us and this time every year they get covered with wild roses. The small flowers grow in clusters and the plant climbs nearby trees to reach new heights. Yes, I have written about them in the past, but the lovely flowers with a beautiful smell deserve all the attention I can spare for them.
The presence of wild roses is also evident in the lovely aroma they exude into the air. Indeed, approaching the area, one would first notice the beautiful smell and the minuscule white dots peppered on the deep green foliage. Getting closer will add shape and form to the roses at different levels. At a reasonable distance, the green foliage with white clusters looks like a rug hanging from the trees. Getting closer yet will let the clusters emerge, and then the delicate flowers will grab attention.
I look forward to this season to enjoy the wild roses. If you are in the area, you may want to visit the two locations I enjoy. The first is at the corner of North Country Club Drive and Spring Green Road, and the second is at the intersection of Eleanor and Osceola Streets. The former is larger and the latter is more accessible.

Memorial Day and Our Garden
On Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, the nation remembers the American military service personnel, especially those who lost their lives in service. We visit Jan’s father’s grave where Jan leaves a plant and a US flag. It was a pleasant May day and the cemetery was decorated with US flags of different sizes. The cemetery put up large ones around the roads and many visitors left small ones at their family member’s graves.

Of course, I cannot ignore our garden with plenty of irises, clematis, peonies, and other plants. This year the yellow bearded irises dominated the beds, followed by peonies. Other plants put out their charm in their unique ways. Since we have had frequent intermittent rain, I did not need to put the sprinklers to water the gardens in the front and back. Here are some of the delights from our gardens. See you next time!

Haluk Atamal
Lovely flowers, wild roses, a robin and a rabbit. So refreshing and nice..
..compared to some fat bellied gun shooters celebrating the burning of a ship.
I have no idea about the history of the Gaspee event but celebrating the very act of burning a vessel – even if it is from the enemy, is not my forte.
Many thanks for sharing the lovely photos, Cemal. Take care and best regards,
A. Cemal Ekin
The burning of the Gaspee was in a way the start of the American Revolution. I am not versed in it either but I understand they let all on the ship know what was coming and helped them leave the ship before setting it on fire. But, the smell of the wild roses and the colors of our garden flowers are quite enjoyable.
Take care,
Maybe next year we will watch the Gaspee Parade with you. I have always avoided it because of the traffic and congestion and no real way to see it without being part of the giant crowds milling about. The garden pictures are lovely. I just bought 3 clematis plants to grow up my birdhouses. I believe one of them is the same as yours!
A. Cemal Ekin
Jackie, that can easily be arranged. It is not too crowded near us, let’s make it happen next year. The flowers in the garden delight us with their colors, shapes, and sometimes scents. They need to be deadheaded now. The gardeners came yesterday but it was retaining. They still managed to plant the sunflower seedlings under the rain.
Take care,
Tom Backman
Your comments and pics bring happy memories to me and Penny when we lived on Fort Ave.
A. Cemal Ekin
Shall do, Tom. I am glad to have triggered good memories.
Take care, and best to you and Penny,
Michael Di Stefano
Glad to see your out and about enjoying the weather and events. Loved your flower photos.
A. Cemal Ekin
Thanks, Mike. Nature grows, we photograph! They mostly need deadheading now.
Take care,
Louise St Pierre
Your flowers are so lovely and great parade pics. I have a lot of flowers in my yard also and they bring a smile just looking at them. I did not go to the parade but did go to the arts show as well as stayed for the music of The Senders who played there this year. My son is a drummer for the group and they had a good turnout. Love listening to music outside with nature.
A. Cemal Ekin
Hello Louise, good to hear from you. Yes, nature gives us gifts with those flowers and we are lucky to photograph them. The parade starts just a few houses down from where we live. This is the first year in a long time I walked down to see a few marchers.
I am sure listening to music outside is indeed a pleasant experience, especially if your son is one of the players. Congratulations!
Take care,