This morning I struck a deal with Mina for a photo shoot/ I would take some photographs then show her a special video program. I decided to show the environment as well instead of using a plain backdrop. These are the selections from the photoshoot. Afterward, Mina enjoyed the “Secrets of the Universe: Seven Wonders of the Solar System.” The program has multiple episodes, who knows …
Suleyman Gokoglu
Cemal Hocam, resimler harika, her zamanki gibi. Mina’nin gelisimini izleyip dunyasinin degisimini dusleyebiliyorum. Resimlerin icinde arada seni de gorunce cerceve daha da iyi tamamlaniyor.
Ben evrenin gizemini hala saskinlik icinde seyre devam ediyorum, umarim hic bitmez….