The weather has been a bit strange this year and delayed the emergence of spring color. We had unexpectedly warm days in February-March, and now we have cool and rainy days in May. Partly due to the weather, and partly the tulip-loving bunnies, the large number of bulbs we planted last year had a weak presence. The muscari and the daffodils mostly returned but most of the tulips and the alium seem to be gone.
Color In The Garden
Despite a little weak showing in the front yard, the backyard is waking up with a good show. It started with the white tree peony producing plenty of flowers and continued with the pink peony with a solo blossom. They are on their way out, but the bearded and the Siberian irises are beginning to flower. Near the back fence, we have honeysuckle ready to bloom and solomon’s seal has many blossoms.
Some plants, most notably the monarda, spread far too much into other plants’ space. As I write this, the gardeners are tackling the weeds and pulling some Monarda to provide more space for the irises, the small lilac bush, and the others.
Click on the images to see them larger, uncropped, and read their titles.

Color in the Neighborhood
Two flowering trees near us provide colorful shows. One is the flowering cherry or almond tree in front of our next-door neighbors. The flowers fill the tree with wonderful pink flowers and when the petals fall, they create a carpet of color. We enjoyed the flowers, the colorful botanical carpets, and photographing them.

The other tree is the redbud tree a few houses down. Its tiny flowers seem to burst out of the branches and almost cover the branch itself. It drops its flowers and forms a different-looking carpet on the sidewalk.

Then, there are other colorful shows from the trees to the wildflowers that have just begun emerging. Although the showiest wild roses are still in buds, several others greeted us during our short walks. The wild roses will also bring their strong and delightful scent soon.

Color on Mother’s Day
One of the special days in the spring is the Mother’s Day. We went out for breakfast at a nearby restaurant and for lunch I took Jan to Jamestown to enjoy a deli sandwich at East Ferry Deli. The weather was comfortable and we walked by the pier and I took my mandatory Newport Bridge panorama! Along the way, I saw some growth under the sea and was able to capture the plant life below the water.

More to come …
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A. Cemal Ekin
Due to a technical problem, I had to restore the database to a time before the post was published. That’s why you may have received a notice of a new article publication which explains the missing comments. Feel free to add or skip.
Thank you, dear Cemal, for showing the wonderful spring pictures. You look great in the interior of your wonderful home. Sincere wishes for new inspiration and new photos from Aleks
A. Cemal Ekin
Thank you, Aleks, for your words and wishes.
Bruce B.
What a beautiful botanical collection, Cemal!
These are absolutely wonderful; thank you for the super glimpse of/at Spring….
A. Cemal Ekin
Bruce, good to hear from you, thank you. The beauty belongs to the nature, we just carry it forward.
Take care,
Pictures above and pictures below! I love the photo of Jan taking a photo!
A. Cemal Ekin
Looking in all directions may sometimes help photographers.
Thank you.
Haluk Atamal
The first series ends with the best flower, resting on the fantastic chair with foot rest 😄.
Thanks for sharing the nice collection of spring flowers, Cemal. Many regards to Jan.
A. Cemal Ekin
Oh, that flower enjoys that planter! Thanks, Haluk, take care, and regards to all of you.
Beautiful spring colors. Concerning the bunnies, we have them too and they love our garden.
Say hi to Jan
A. Cemal Ekin
Thank you, Tom. I got your comment on the subscriptions.
Take care, and say hi to Penny,