If you are a regular visitor to this site, you will likely remember that I enjoy looking at vintage photographs. And, photo auctions at different auction houses offer all of us rare opportunities to see them. Many great photographs find their way to various auctions.
I have just learned that Heritage Auctions is having a new auction coming up from an e-mail announcement. The collection of photographs, books, even a couple of cameras is very interesting and in many ways inspirational.
Great Photographs are Hard to Put in a Box
I have selected about twenty from the large collection of great photographs just to whet your appetite. The photographers are in alphabetical order by their last name. So, you will start with Ansel Adams, a well-known one and an unusual one for him. Continuing, there are many interesting ones I selected with a focus on Leonard Freed and his photographs of life in the 1960s.
When you have seen enough here, then go to the Heritage Auction site and see more, many many more! And larger if you like.
I would like to know which ones you like and why. These are good pieces to write your reading of them. I will read your comments and questions and reply if necessary. Remember, click to see them full size.
All photographs are published with permission from Heritage Auctions.
Haluk Atamal
Thanks for sharing those and nudging us to visit the auction.
There are so many things to write about. It is overwhelming.
I will suffice by remarking on Eugene Atget’s Shoe Store. Although I had seen the photo before, I had not noticed, amidst the awesome compositional details, the jocularly semantic placement of the lonely pair of “lesser” shoes at the right bottom and the man himself, behind the window.
Take care and best regards,
A. Cemal Ekin
Atget strolled the streets of Paris tirelessly and photographed anything and everything that inspired him. His style was unique to the era and today he is considered a modernist even a surrealist. I have a couple of books of his photographs, and all are delightful to view. It shows you, you don’t have to travel too far to create great photographs.
Thanks and have a great day, stay safe,