A couple of Fridays ago, the weather was unusually high for the middle of April. It reached over 88º F or 30º C. Jim and I had resumed our Friday lunches a few weeks before, and on that Friday, our friend Steve joined us, and we had a nice lunch at Rigatoni’s. After lunch and conversations on various topics, we headed out, and Steve returned to his office.
We entertained the idea of taking a ride somewhere in this lovely weather to take some photographs. I told Jim that he was driving and any place was fine with me.
We headed south. And after a nice ride, Jim pulled into a parking lot at the port of Galilee, a small fishing village in Narragansett. It was almost mid-afternoon, and there was not much going on. A few men doing repairs on their boats.
We walked up and down a couple of docks with boats near and far and photographed whatever struck our fancy as we did on other similar outings. I had my infrared and visible light cameras and took pictures of some boats, abstract details, clouds, etc.
Point Judith Lighthouse
After Galilee, Jim kept driving around, and we went by several area beaches. The parking lots were packed, and the beaches were crowded, with many people in the ocean. We made another stop at Point Judith Lighthouse but did not climb the stairs to a small hill to see it from a little higher point. From where we parked, I took a few steps to get a clear view of the lighthouse and took a few frames.
On the way back, Jim drove through the towns and villages to avoid the heavy traffic on the freeway. After a pleasant drive, we made it home.
Some of the photographs from the Canon R7 may not be as sharp as they could be. I have been experiencing focusing problems with it for a long time. Finally, I packed it and sent it to Canon for warranty service. I hope to get it back and take photographs at least as sharp as my Canon 5D Mark IV. I tried to select the sharper ones and slightly enhanced that in post-processing.
A Small Collection
Here is a small collection from Galilee and Point Judith Lighthouse.
Click on the images to see them larger, uncropped, and read their titles.

And a few in infrared

Haluk Atamal
Nice photos from a very nice outing. Thanks for sharing Cemal.
I like the IR ones more, although the abstraction of the colours are also very beautiful.
The unsharp photos were not clear to me: You mention the R7 to be serviced under warranty. The less than razor-sharp ones are the IR ones (to my vision). I guess you had the camera modified for IR shooting. Then how come it can still go under warranty?
I have no experience with infrared so forgive me if I am missing something.
Take care and best regards,
A. Cemal Ekin
Sharpness issues were in both, you are right. The IR frames suffer from the lens sharpness falling out towards the frame edges. The R7 sharpness problem probably has something to do with the focusing system. I am hoping to get it back towards the end of the week. The R7 is the one under warranty and that has not been converted to infrared. The IR camera is a Canon M5.
Take care, stay well,
Frank Mullins
I really like the IR images. I assume they are 720 nm. I think the IR filter picks up more contrast, more “detail”, than the visible light lens. It creates more dramatic B&W images.
A. Cemal Ekin
You are right, Frank, my IR conversions have been the standard 720 variety. There is a fair amount of flexibility in processing IR images as there is no expected look. The lens I used seems to have some sharpness fall-off towards the edges, otherwise, I am happy with them. I entertained the idea of having an R7 converted to IR, but I want to resolve my focus issues with the regular R7 first.
Good to hear from you,