Recently, the last couple of months I have been quite busy. Gearing up for the Collaborations event on October 5, 2014, and the event itself kept me busy for a while.
A Recent Collaboration
Here are a few photographs from the hanging of the Ballet Off Stage exhibit at Festival Ballet Providence studios where Jim and Greg did the hanging, I am grateful for their help.
After that, I committed to 4 workshops on Lightroom and Photoshop for the members of PSRI on four consecutive Saturdays starting on October 25, 2014. The first two were Introduction to Lightroom and Intermediate Lightroom, and the last two were Introduction to Photoshop and Intermediate Photoshop. They were beneficial to the participants as well as to me since I had to crystallize the ideas into bite-sized chunks.
Except for the first Photoshop session, we had all the others in the office of Ted Lawson; a little cozy but worked out well. Thanks to all who attended the workshops and kept me on my toes with their questions. Of course, thanks to Ted for organizing them and hosting 3 of them at his office. I am sharing a few photographs from the second workshop, the framing is a bit tight because, well, the seating was a bit tight, but it went well.
A New Exhibit
While the workshops were underway, I was also preparing for the upcoming exhibit, Sacred Spaces Large and Small. The prints were ready about 7-8 days before the hanging and sat in one corner in the den.
On November 5, Jan and I loaded the car with the prints, took the hanging brackets that Greg had made, brought the exhibit catalogs, and headed to the Central Congregational Church. The gallery committee members were ready to put them on the wall and since I had already determined the hanging order the actual work went quickly. The next couple of days Jan kept busy making three trays of baklava, plain, chocolate, and orange chocolate; hummus from scratch, and a few other goodies for the opening reception on November 7, 2014.
On the day of the reception, we carefully stacked the baklava trays, the hummus bowl, the crackers, chips, etc. in the car and went to the church. With the help of the gallery committee members, the setup went quickly again. Jim Scott, one of the committee members brought his projector and computer so that I could present two video shows I had prepared about the Hagia Sophia experience, inside and out. Guests started coming gradually and around 6:10 PM I made my gallery talk, showed the videos, answered the questions for about 20 minutes or so.
By the end of the evening, about 55-60 visitors came to see the photographs, and even more importantly, to get their share of Jan’s baklava. Thank you all who were able to join us for the opening of this exhibit and thanks to Jim Scott we have some memories of the opening night (all photographs by Jim Scott):
Addendum: My fellow photographer Paul White shared some photographs he took when he visited the exhibit. Here they are from his eye and camera. Thanks, Paul.
The next day was another workshop, introduction to Photoshop and then yesterday we wrapped up the activities. On December 3 we will take down the exhibit and place the photographs on the storage shelves in the basement.
Get a Christmas Tree
Then my current projects will take a little hiatus and we will get ready to see our girls coming from Utah for the holidays. I already bought the tickets for the Nutcracker which Mina would like to see, and we will make other plans after they arrive. I am sure in short order we will get a Christmas tree and Mina will take her time to decorate it. I used to put her on my shoulders so that she could place the tree top ornament, but she is getting bigger, and I am getting older. We’ll see if a ladder can substitute for Dede!!
Haluk Atamal
A ladder will never be needed, as long as you keep on with the “humus from scratch”, Cemal.
Fantastic exhibition. Reminds me of “padödö” (pas de deux I believe is the correct spelling); I especially liked the arrangement of the hanging prints in twins (or doublets, if you like).
Keep on with the good work!
Sevgiler, kucak dolusu selamlar,
A. Cemal Ekin
Thanks Haluk. The “pas de deux” hanging was in the nature of the exhibit and they were hung in chronological order. I will try the power of humus before finishing the tree decoration! Thanks for stopping by. — Cemal
Binnaz Melin
Her işi Jan’in ve dostlarınızın desteğiyle çok başarılı bir biçimde yürüttün Cemal Hoca, kutluyor, sevgi ve selamlarımızı gönderiyoruz. Darısı nice sergilere ve atölye çalışmalarına.
A. Cemal Ekin
Yakinlar sagolsun, kimse destegini esirgemiyor. Dedigin gibi sayelerinde isler rayinda yurudu. — Cemal
Suleyman Gokoglu
Cemal Hocam, seni izledikce ve dinledikce enejimiz, keyfimiz, moralimiz yerine geliyor. Hayranlik duymamak elde degil. Senin kaynaklarinin neler ve kimler olduklarinin da farkindayiz, bunlari kendimize ornek aliyoruz. Burada asili her resim dehset guzel ama en favorilerimiz #14, #20 ve #21! Hic eksik olmayin.
Suleyman ve Tuba
A. Cemal Ekin
Suleyman, Tuba guzel sozlerinize tesekkurler. Desteksiz bunlarin olmasi mumkun mu? Es, dost, aile, arkadas, yakinlar sagolsun. — Cemal
Suha Ataoguz
Sevmek, sevilmek , insanın hobisi veya işi ile ilgili etrafından destek görmesi hem sevindirici hem de keyif verici, yeni şeyler ortaya koymak için çalışma şevki …
Ortam, çevre ve paylaşımlar çok güzel , teşekkür eder, kutlar, selam ve sevgilerimi iletirim …
A. Cemal Ekin
Sagol Suha, hem gelip baktigin icin, hem de soyledigin guzel sozler icin. — Cemal