Among the tens of thousands of photographs I have on my computer, I have shown or published a tiny fraction of them.
Here, under the subpages of portfolios, you will see some that are pulled together because of an exhibit, inclusion in a publication, or even a ballet, Orchis, that was sparked by and displayed my work as part of the performance. You can read about Orchis here and on the Festival Balle Providence blog. You will also find portfolios that stand strong but not yet have been published or exhibited. Some of the latter, I have put into folios with loose prints in handsome covers or bound folios that are printed and bound in magazine or coffee table style books.
I invite you to view them for their content as well as for their photographic qualities. After all, photography is about what is in the frame. It is not the flower photographed, not little Jimmy, or not the canyons in exotic locations but their traces left on the surface of prints or computer screens. The light reflected off of them and kept in my camera, kept light!