The weather is changing. We are definitely in the fall, and at times it feels like winter. Good! As we move from October to November, things are improving. We are taking walks, Jan’s physical therapy continues, and the fall colors are mildly pleasing.
Salter Grove Park
At the end of October, I took Jan for a ride and we stopped over at Salter Grove. It is a tiny but very enjoyable little park not too far from our house. It overlooks the Narragansett Bay, Providence skyline in the distance. Some days, you can see swans in the distance swimming quietly or taking off with the big woof, woof sounds of their large wings. If you happen to see them walking on the shore near you, don’t feed them anything or try to pet them. They may pet you instead! Just enjoy the graceful shapes and their reflections on the water.
This time, it was a quick stop just to see the water and Jan enjoys taking deep breaths near the ocean. Aaaahhh! That felt good! And just a couple of mementos of our visit.
Click on the images to see them larger, uncropped, and read their titles.

Walks in the Neighborhood
The weather improved in November. It was not hot, generally sunny, and a little rain that came mostly after midnight. I accompanied Jan when she wanted to take a walk. Now that my leg pain triggered by walking is mostly gone, I could take longer walks, for me that is! I continued carrying my camera and swinging it around to make the very subdued fall colors a little more interesting.
I generally try to leave hints of photographic elements that are recognizable but in one of them, even I don’t have any idea where I took the photograph. You may or may not like this kind of work, but this fall, there is not much color, and not much foliage to photograph.

Remnants of Halloween
Unlike the last couple of years, we had quite a few trick-or-treaters this Halloween. Little ones with their parents and a bunch of teens and pre-teens stopped by for some treats. We had a stash of candies and chocolate bars and they took their share. I think Jan counted 31 visitors, a big jump! They had costumes, make-up, and even music as they walked around.
The neighborhood was also in the spirit and many had extensive decorations to greet the tricksters. As we took a walk a week or so after Halloween, we stopped to chat with a neighbor Jan knew. They had their house surrounded by witches, huge spiders, and a gigantic skeleton. They collectively summoned my camera!

Beavertail State Park
A hurricane that hit the southern states got weakened but still brought strong winds this way. Jan wanted to see the surf and I drove to Jamestown. We had lunch at the East Ferry Deli and then drove to Beavertail Lighthouse. They stopped the vehicles from driving up close to the lighthouse to minimize the erosion of the ground. So, we turned around and parked on the side.
At first, Jan was a bit hesitant to come out and walk for fear of falling. But, I encouraged her and she came out and walked up and down the green grass and took deep breaths of the ocean air. The surf was up down below, crashing on the shore with sprays of salt water rising in the air. I took some photographs just to remember the day and to share the high surf at Beavertail.

Neighborhood Walks and Color Experiments
As Jan felt better, we took more walks in the neighborhood. Its flat terrain makes it easier for both of us. The following are photographs from two separate walks but I combined them into one gallery for convenience.

University Orthopedics at Kettle Point
We have been visiting University Orthopedics at Kettle Point in East Providence for Jan’s physical therapy. It is a substantial building with four floors overlooking the bay. On several visits, I took photographs from the windows with my phone. But on the last trip, I decided to take my camera for better photographs.
I have no idea about the origin of the name, Kettle Point. There is also a condominium development next door. The “University” part of the name is one of the brands in the medical field, most likely associated with Brown University. There are also “Brown” brands in the same field along with bigger umbrellas like Lifespan. With all these, there is a strong merger trend in the medical field in Rhode Island and the state is becoming a medical destination.
This facility, Brown Orthopedics reminded me of Acibadem Hospital in Altunizade, Istanbul although that one is larger and more luxurious. This four-story building is dedicated to various orthopedic functions. We go to the fourth floor where their therapy division is located.
The view from the windows is quite nice indeed, the bay dominating the scene. In the distance, the Providence skyline is distinctly recognizable. Looking from another side, the wind turbines pepper the scene. And, in the other direction are the condos. I also included at the end a screen capture from Google Maps to put this in a better context. We will visit this facility for a few more weeks but now, here is the University Orthopedics Kettle Point facility. Oh, they have other locations as well!!

James Turner
enjoyed the images…especially of Beavertail…..
A. Cemal Ekin
Good to hear they brought some enjoyment to you, Jim. If the weather permits, maybe we can trek somewhere again.
Tom Backman
Hi Cemal,
I love your shots. They bring out the beauty of our State.
A. Cemal Ekin
Hi Tom, how are you? It is a beautiful state, isn’t it? Even if you walk around your neighborhood, there is so much to see and photograph.
Take care,
Haluk Atamal
Thanks for sharing again your beautiful colour works. Even though too much abstraction is not my forte, I liked them all. I am glad that you can take longer walks now.
Take care and best regards to Jan!
A. Cemal Ekin
Thanks, Haluk. Yes, I am able to walk a little longer and Jan has improved quite a bit. Rhode Island is a photogenic state, that helps with the photographs.
Take care,
Mike Di Stefano
Howdy Cemal, nice group of images showing off the Fall season and various places in RI. So nice to hear that you & Jan got out to beavertail and enjoyed the outdoors.
A. Cemal Ekin
Good to hear from you, Mike. Your new e-mail address delayed your comment for the first one, but if you use it again, it should publish as you submit. Yes, we are trying to get out a little at a time, the weather is telling us to stay at home though! Spring is around the corner!!
How are your Utah photographs? Have you posted them anywhere yet? Do you have a web site?
Take care,
Michael Di Stefano
Howdy Cemal, I must have used my yahoo email by mistake with auto-fill. Glad your both getting out, dress warm and stay close to car to warm up. Yes I have been slowly post Utah photos to my Facebook page, Jan can show you. I just post Antelope Island photos last night. We still haven’t pick a way to make our own website yet. So much to consider.
A. Cemal Ekin
Ah-ha! Autofill did it! I will check with Jan to see your photos on Facebook.