Kept Light Photography goes back to 1999 when I started a simple Web site with a few pages. For a couple of years, it remained like that with static content. But, at that time, visitors to Web sites were very few, only some friends came and looked at them. Look at the original version of the Kept Light Photography website.
If you visit the archive, please forgive the non-working Gallery link and its narrow layout by today’s standards. It is hard to believe now, but then, the best monitor resolution was 800 x 600 and most were 640×480 pixels!
Origins Go Back to 2003
Around 2003, I started adding more content. In 2004 I added a gallery of photographs from my highly popular and successful exhibit, On Seeing. The content was hand-coded in HTML, and I kept it on a campus server at Providence College. As I experimented with WordPress, a photography site was a natural candidate. I registered my domain name,, and started using an outside hosting company.
Since around 2003 or 2004, Kept Light Photography has had tens of thousands of visitors, and I added significantly more content. As of October 2020, there were well over 700 posts, including the first few articles dated 2003 and 2004. I hope you spend a little time exploring the site and find content that may interest you.
Thank you for visiting Kept Light Photography.