NAPP, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals has been around for quite some time now. Its founder Scott Kelby and his cohorts, Matt Klaskowski, Dave Cross, and others publish a very fine magazine, Photoshop user, and offer online content in a variety of formats.
NAPP Is A Resource
I have been a NAPP subscriber for many years and also joined the sister service a few years back. I like the group not only because of the fine magazine and the NAPP Web site, not only because they bring varied programs to their members from shooting to output, but also because they bring unique programs like A Day With Jay Maisel. I enjoy following these programs, that alone is worth the money. But I also want to support them by my membership so that they continue offering their rich resources to me and photography fans all around.
I encourage you to take a close look at NAPP, and Kelby Training (they later merged into one). You will not be disappointed with their offering. I want them to be aware of my support, so please use the links here to visit their sites. Kelby media also provides significant support for our local camera club, Photographic Society of RI, and I want to show them my appreciation by making my friends aware of these services and rich sources of photography-related information.