Mina is now 1o years old, time flew by, and she has become a graceful girl. This year, many things came together and we were able to celebrate first Ergun’s, then Jan’s, and finally Mina’s birthdays in Turkey with family and friends. A couple of days after Elif and Mina arrived in Istanbul, we were on our way to Ayvalik to spend a few days and have a special birthday for Mina.
Trip To Bergama
The day started with a trip to Bergama. Where Bergama has grown once stood Pergamon, the ancient city on the Aegean coast of Turkey. Mina wanted to see the old city and write a short report upon her return to Salt Lake City. We arrived in Bergama on a very pleasant, but quite windy day. The first stop was the Red Basilica or temple to Serapis. The ancient ruins and the site is being restored to provide a richer experience of the monumental sized temple to Serapis, an Egyptian god. The walls of the temple soar to the sky flanked on both sides with rotundas, apparently used for worship.
To The Acropolis
Jan and I wanted to take the cable car to the Acropolis on top of the hill. As Mustafa, the all-around great help from gardener to chauffeur dropped us at the cable car. We quickly learned that due to the wind the cable car was not running. We climbed back into the van, and we all drove to the top of the hill.
Halil The Liberated Sacrificial Lamb
The string of small shops displayed souvenirs, small gifts, cards, etc. Tourism in Turkey has significantly slowed down in recent years, and other than a small group of tourists from the far east, we were the only strangers there. Jan and the girls climbed the steep hill to see the ruins of the old city while I stayed behind with Binnaz and Ergun to enjoy a cup of coffee.
There we met Halil the sacrificial ram who escaped to his freedom at Acropolis. The merchants took a liking to him and kept him as a pet, feeding his favorite foods, pomegranate, and hot green peppers! A couple of merchants from the city were up there trying to make contact and market their stores to the few visitors. If you are in Bergama, look them up: Selim Yasar and Sen Naoe (I hope I got the names right!) You will see them in one of the photographs in the gallery.
Lunch At Bademli
The next stop was a town about 30 miles up the road, Bademli, and a very restful restaurant on the Aegean waters. We chose what we wanted to eat and settled on the table right on the water. An olive tree was reaching out to the water as if a pair of thirsty lips and a few other rather old and stately trees stood like monuments to old times. Several of them were aged around 600 years or more. We enjoyed the location as much as the food, it was a serene and pleasant experience. After making a short stop at a fishing village down the road, we returned home to Ayvalik.
Mina’s Birthday Dinner At Ayna
Mina’s birthday continued with a dinner at Ayna (mirror,) a small but very good restaurant on the island of Cunda. Ergun had already made the reservation and they also invited Emel and Erdogan to join us. When she first met Emel smoking a cigarette she nicknamed her “auntie choo-choo,” and they were delighted to see Mina again. Very good food, good wine, good service, and good conversation brought us to the special birthday cake Mina wanted, a delicious cheesecake. Of course, we brought the leftover cake home for breakfast!
Happy birthday Mimi, many, many happy returns! (We would return to Ayna for another birthday dinner.)
Haluk Atamal
Çok güzel anılar, çok güzel fotoğraflar.
Keyif aldım. Sağol Cemal.
A. Cemal Ekin
Ozel, ve guzel bir gundu hepimiz icin Haluk. Aramiza katildigin icin tesekkurler.
Deb Page
Sounds like a great time. Enjoyed the history and the images. Nice that you were all together.
A. Cemal Ekin
It was indeed a great time altogether. Stay tuned for more!! Thanks for stopping by Deb.
Binnaz Melin
Mina’s Birthday
I think Mina’s birthday was like a happy and surreal Louis Bunuel film! First we visited Kızıl Avlu and the statue of Serapes. The whole family packed in a minibus that the main door wouldn’t open! The lift to the top of the hill couldn’t operate because of the strong wind! The three generation of the female members of the family managed to have their pictures taken in local costumes while waiting! The ram, Halil was being constantly fed by the touristic shop owners. The gaudy shops had a disaster two years ago, and everything turned into ashes on the top of the hill.
It was Mustafa, our driver who took us to the top of the Bergama hill. One loses the sense dimension while climbing up. The modern and ugly town of Bergama on the one side, and the lovely river and landscape on the other! We waited for the girls while they toured the ancient town of Bergama.
The whole scenery changed when we reached Sunar restaurant in Bademli. The austere and ancient olive trees and good fish welcomed us there. The wind again added a surrealist effect to the area, and I kept thinking Wuthering Heights.
Apparently something went wrong, and my earlier comment hasn’t reached Cemal’s site, Keptlight, another surrealist event! This is why I am rewriting my observations.
After the shabby places full of nice people in the evening we went to Ayna in Cunda. Emel and Erdoğan joined us. Ayna was a contrast with the places we had been today. Mina was like a shining jewel while cutting her birthday cake.
Happy birthday Mina! Enjoy the privileges of living in the USA, and having relatives in the country of country barbarians (!) thousands of miles away.
We love you, Hail Bunuel, and hail the art of cinema!
Auntie Binnaz &Uncle Urgiş
A. Cemal Ekin
Binnaz, you are right, the whole day was like a movie, a very nice one indeed! Thank you and Ergun for making it possible.
More posts to come!