I was surprised when I tried to log in to my account on Instagram this morning. I met a message that essentially said my account was suspended and asked me to hand-write a six-digit code and take a selfie with it. I followed the instructions. But I am not sure if the arbitrary suspension will ever be lifted.
I suppose my account could be hacked, and the hacker posted offensive content. But it is also possible that their “algorithm” totally botched up and suspended the account. It is another reason that these platforms are not social at all. They could have inquired in a more sensible and polite manner. But they chose to suspend the account that posted pictures of flowers, ancient churches, and the cities I visited. It is no loss for me as I am not a “social media” person anyway. But be prepared, “algo” may come after your account with its weird “rhythm.”
So, if you look for me on Instagram, you will not find my account there.
Good riddance, Instagram.
Haluk Atamal
Oh, Cemal, I already had a similar experience only 2 days ago. I shared a photo of a village in Anatolia in Facebook and 5 minutes later I got the shocking message that nobody can see my photo anymore because it uses hate language and violates human rights. If I share a similar photo again, my account will be blocked. Fortunately there was an option, buried deep after clicking a lot of pages, that I could ask for a re-evaluation. I naturally clicked on re-evaluate button.
2 – 3 hours later my photo was there again.
Rest assured that we are going to have a lot more surprises because of these nasty “algorithms”.
Take care and best regards,
A. Cemal Ekin
The last photograph I posted was from Istanbul, an old house with lace curtains. It was a bit run down. But, that is absurd. I have not checked again.
James Turner
Hey Instagram “make this right”
A. Cemal Ekin
Thanks, Jim. You tell them! This is beyond arbitrary, it is almost random. None of my content is personally or culturally offensive to anyone. They probably know I am not a “social media” fan!
I can start my own Ekin-Gram by posting a photo on Kept Light once a day. Now, that should scare the daylights out of Instagram!!
Sal Capirchio
That really S _ _ _ S!! You know, I NEVER really liked the platform from the start, and now it gives me a bigger reason to HATE them even more. When I began using Instagram, I thought initially it would become one of my favorite platforms because of its ties to all types of photography and photographers. I thought it would be a great way to view other people’s work from all over the world, as well as connect and interact with other photographer friends and colleagues. But, as I got more involved with using it, I started to see how ridiculous their algorithms and thought processes were. The first issue I noted, is that they wanted to keep it as a ‘mobile platform” application. If you photographed with a hand-held camera, they made it difficult to upload photos to their site. Yes, there were work arounds, but they made it tough. Secondly, if you want to take a closer look at a photo, you can’t simply click on it to zoom in. You have to do the old ‘pinch and squeeze’, but if you let go you have to start all over again. Really??? Who thought of this! But of course – they are owned by Facebook, oh yeah, META this month! Same think-tank, same banana-heads. It could become a great platform if they would only listen to their user base.
A. Cemal Ekin
Sal, I wouldn’t mind my account being suspended if someone hacked it and posted offensive content. What does not make sense to me is that I don’t know why, and I cannot share how to protect information with other users. After I posted this article, I got another e-mail telling me that my account still did not conform to the community standards and was terminated. If there was a problem and Instagram blocked me from fixing it, what did they expect?
Elif told me that the most likely cause was a hack as her account was hacked last year as well and she could not recover her business-related content. But, not sharing what was wrong and not allowing the user to take steps are counterproductive. Even if I start a new account, I will never know how to protect my account against the same problem.
Oh, well, Kept Light Photography is far fairer!
Recovery back your suspended Instagram account isn’t easy so I have to look for a great tech name; Sylvester G. Bryant known on Instagram: @ Yt7crackersz
he was able to recover my long-term suspended account, you can also message him via Email; at Yt7crackersz@gmail . com
I’m just so happy because he did recover back my Instagram account