Adobe Photoshop has been around for decades and has become an indispensable tool for photographers and other content creators. It offers an extremely rich feature set, which can be an obstacle to learning the critical parts.
Now, you have an opportunity to take a 13-hours of Photoshop course free of charge. There is no payment, credit card information, just log in with your Adobe, Facebook, or Google+ account, and start learning the tool. You can learn at your pace and stop at any point, rewind, review, practice, and move forward.
Photoshop Course
To learn more about this free offer, visit the ProDesign Tools Website, and sign up for the free Photoshop course. While there, take a look at the other offers they make available. I have not looked at those and am not sure if the other offers may want your credit card number or not.
While at it, also check the free course MoMa offers on photography.
Binnaz Melin
Bu tür etkinliklere katılacak yaşı geride bıraktım; ama bu tür haberleri severek izlemekteyim, sağ ol Cemal!!
Haluk Atamal
As per usual, I was nicely “distracted” by one of your hear this articles, the musician Ansel Adams. Stole 10 minutes from my precious hotel morning time. Was worth watching it, even worth staying a bit late for my daily field work. An excellent lesson for the young photographers of our time. And what else but art and mathematics of Bach one would expect from such a talented artist.
As for the free course, I think it will be a good opportunity for those who will need it. I did not enroll but I am sure even I will find something new to learn there.
Thanks a lot Cemal, for the sharing. Bilecik Söğüt’ten sevgi ve selamlarımla,
A. Cemal Ekin
I am glad you enjoyed the musical diversion. I chose music to be the common theme on the “Hear This” section. I suggest you also look up Roy DeCarava and his work.
I am glad that I am wasting your time in an enjoyable way! Take care,