Some see photography as “finding beautiful things and capturing them.” I see it differently as “seeing things and creating beautiful photographs of them.” To wit, the lowly cabbage, especially with some bruises on it on a market stand, will not appeal to many as it is not “beautiful.” A careful study of the subject, its shape, lines, texture, the light falling on it will likely prove the beauty seekers wrong.
The road to creative and innovative photographic work requires departing from what you have been doing over and over again with reliable results, leaving your comfort zone. You need to go out on a limb, try something different, new, and create new work.
I photographed these in a small Aegean coast town in Turkey, Ayvalik, at its weekly market. The cabbage form and lines appeal to me greatly. I decided to present them in monochrome, toned B&W images to remove the impact of color, a layer of abstraction if you will.
Tell me what you think of the subject and the photographs resulting from it.