As I write this post, some of the readers might have already entered the new year, welcoming 2019. Happy New Year to you all as I share a photographic summary of 2018, the faces and places we have seen, the experiences we have had, and the people we have lost.
The photographs are in chronological order and show the moments from each month. Some months have more photographs than others based on what we might be doing.
We would like to dedicate this post to all the family and friends we have lost in 2018. Kristine Williams and David Williams, Jan’s cousins; Mehmet Yaycioglu, Linda and Steve Mecca, George Vacca, Alan French, Gunes Arikdal, our good friends. And, Binnaz Melin, our sister.
The photographs have titles that indicate their dates, with no further description or explanation. Many have appeared in previous posts in the past year.
Haluk Atamal
We also wish you a joyful, healthy and prosperous 2019 Cemal.
Regards to Jan.
Türkan & Haluk
A. Cemal Ekin
Altogether, Haluk!
You have had a great year. Even with the losses you suffered.
Have a better 2019.
A. Cemal Ekin
The new year started sunny and warm, let’s hope it continues to feel this way, Paul.
Daniel D. Teoli Jr.
Thanks…same to you!
’10 minutes after midnight’ – Infrared Flash (Candid)
A. Cemal Ekin
She is rightfully sleepy!
Sal Capirchio
Happy New Year Cemal and Jan!
Wishing you both a Happy and Healthy New Year.
-Love Sal and Maureen.
A. Cemal Ekin
Good to hear from you and Maureen, Sal. 2019 will be a good year for all, at least that is my wish and hope.
Ramazan KAMARI
Cemal hocam merhaba,
Yeni yılın size ve sevdiklerinize mutluluk ve esenlikler getirmesini diliyorum. Her şey gönlünüzce olsun.
A. Cemal Ekin
Sagolasin Ramazan, bilmukabele.