Beyond Choreography Exhibit
Today was the opening reception of the Beyond Choreography: Visual Interpretation of Movement juried exhibit. Art League RI has gathered a strong collection of art submitted by New England artists. The Veterans Auditorium also had an open house to showcase their renovations. Jan and I arrived a little early on a nice sunny day, parked on the street on the State House side, and slowly walked to the auditorium.
Dylan from Festival Ballet greeted us from inside the ticketing booth. We saw Misha in the lobby, and we chatted with him and Dylan for a while. Then, we took the elevator to the gallery level. As we entered the gallery, my two photographs greeted us positioned under the exhibit marquee. A very pleasant surprise. While Jan was taking photographs of me in front of my photographs, we met Ken Steinkamp, one of the VPs of the Art League. He told us how well my work fitted the theme of the exhibit and the space below the banner.
After chatting with Ken, we started walking down the hall, looking at the other works on the walls. There were interesting pieces in mostly painting medium except for a few additional photographs. Our friends started to show up slowly, and a little later the ALRI president opened the evening by acknowledging all those who worked tirelessly to make the show possible, including the jurors of course. Then the gallery committee chair explained the program and invited Misha, the artistic director of Festival Ballet Providence.
Received the Artistic Director Award
Misha said words that highlighted the importance of the arts and various art forms working together. He then talked about this specific exhibit and announced two winners of the FBP Artistic Director Awards. I was pleased and surprised to be one of the two recipients. Then the president announced the grand prize winner for her painting, a nice piece reminiscent of André Kertesz’s photographs of chairs in Paris.
We chatted with friends who came to see the show and as they slowly moved on, so did we!
Here are my two accepted images and the one at the bottom is the award winner.
Here are some photographs from the evening:
Haluk Atamal
Gurur duydum; tebrikler!
A. Cemal Ekin
Tesekkur ederim Haluk. Selamlar,
Binnaz Melin
I thorougly enjoyed your comments and photos from the exhibition. Cemal. I warmly congratulate you on your award winning photograph. Do you have a list of your photos that have recevied prizes?
A. Cemal Ekin
Thank you Binnaz. I had two photographs that were accepted, they are at the end of my notes. The second one is the award recipient. See you soon!
Sal Capirchio
So sorry I missed your even last evening. As I had mentioned, I had a prior commitment, and after my meeting, had to get home as we had some relatives arriving from out of town, that are staying with us. Congratulations on your FBP Artistic Director Award!
A. Cemal Ekin
Thank you Sal, it was a good opening.
Leslie Jean
Congratulations. An original interpretation of dance.
A. Cemal Ekin
Thanks Leslie,